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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The One Simple Trick That Will Flatten Your Abs Forever

It’s not a diet. It’s not a trendy workout class. It’s definitely not a pill. If you truly want to flatten your abs forever, avoid eating foods that cause bloating. It might sound too simple to be true, but following this basic tip will help you lean down that bloated belly in days.

Despite what most fitness magazines would love for you to believe, there’s not a single trainer, exercise or workout program on this planet that can flatten your abs if your diet is full of foods that cause bloating and inflammation. The reason is simple: If your stomach is bloated, it literally turns your abdominal musculature off. So regardless of if you do 10 or 10,000 sit-ups, if you're eating the wrong foods and your stomach is bloated, you simply can't activate or tone your abdominal wall.

Once you stop eating belly-bloating foods and start to incorporate the right abdominal exercises for your body, the results are phenomenal. But the first step is not to go do a 30 minute ab class or kill yourself with crunches...instead you have to clean up your diet by getting rid of all processed or man-made foods. These man-made foods usually contain what you’ve probably heard me refer to as “the four white devils”…sugar, flour, table salt and processed dairy products. I'm talking bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, muffins...all empty foods that wreak havoc on your abs. The easiest way to cut these foods out of your diet is to eliminate any product that contains gluten as about 75% of the population is sensitive and/or intolerant to gluten, the protein found in wheat.

If you’ve already cut gluten out of your diet yet find yourself reaching for that next slice of gluten-free bread, challenge yourself to eliminate those man-made products as well. Remember, it’s not just gluten but processed foods in general that cause bloating, indigestion and a host of other negative side effects, including the dreaded pooch belly.

Start cleaning up your diet today and you'll be amazed at how little you have to do to keep your abs toned and tight.

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